To select an area
of pixels of similar colors:
1 Choose the
Magic Wand tool.
2 In the Magic
Wand tool Options panel, choose an Edge option and set the tolerance
level by dragging the tolerance slider. See Choosing tool options.
3 Click the area of color
you want to select. A flickering border appears around the selected
range of pixels.
Note: Tolerance
sets the range of colors that are selected when you click a pixel
with the Magic Wand. If you enter 0 and click a pixel, only adjacent
pixels of the exact same color are selected. If you enter 65, a
range of related colors is selected.
Pixels selected with
tolerance set to 87
To select similar colors
using Select Similar:
1 Choose a Marquee
or Lasso tool, and drag diagonally to choose an area of color you
want to select.
2 Choose Edit >
Select Similar. A flickering border appears around the selected
range of pixels.
The current tolerance
setting in the Magic Wand tool Options panel determines the range
of similar colors that are selected.