Making links & updates


We are almost done our site now. All we have to do now is link our pages together. We will do that by changing the navigation bar on the left. First we will add the links to the index page since it's not using the template. Then we will open up the template main_template.dwt and then we will link each button on the navigation bar to it's corresponding page on the website.


Adding links to the Navigation bar on the Index page

1 Open the index.htm file
2 In the left column click once on the button HOME
3 In the Property Inspector click on the target folder beside the link field
4 In the Select File box, navigate and choose the index.htm file in the C:\Websites\Cyberrez\ folder
5 Link each of the following buttons to their corresponding file in the same manner
6 Save your template

A notification box will come up and ask you if you want to update all documents using that template.
Choose Yes


Changing & Updating the Template

1 Open the Site Files window (F5)
2 Click on the + sign beside the folder Templates
3 Open the file main_template.dwt by double clicking on it
4 In the left column click once on the button HOME
5 In the Property Inspector click on the target folder beside the link field
6 In the Select File box, navigate and choose the index.htm file in the C:\Websites\Cyberrez\ folder
7 Link each of the following buttons to their corresponding files in the same manner
8 Save your template

A notification box will come up and ask you if you want to update all documents using that template.
Choose Yes

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