Adobe Photoshop 6.01

Part3- Dancer/Figure

Step1.Finding the picture you want. In this case I choose this photos that a friend took. Before you move to the next step make sure you remove the lock on the layer (.jpg images are usually locked). To do this double click on the layer, a window will pop up and ask you about new layer, just hit enter. By doing this you've removed the lock and made the background transparent.
Step 2.

Removing the background. Retrace the outline of the figure using a combination of or or . In this case I used the lasso ,just to try out my new Digital Art Table. If you're heavily into graphic designing and image editing the art table comes in real handy. It works with just about any graphic program that I use.

Save this image dancer_outline.psd. We'll be using it later.


Step 3.

Outline. Having retraced the image I then select/load selection. Created a new layer, while the selection was in place, filled it with black. Save this as dancer2_outline.psd . So right now you should have three different images of the dancer saved

Step 4. Merge. Open dancer_outline.psd and dancer2_outline.psd. Now we want the outline2 underneath of outline, so you'll have one layer, outline1, showing and outline2 underneath it. Now lessen the transparenty of the top layer so that it blends. Pick a light source and eraser the part you want shaded. I've choosen the top right as my light source.
Step 5.

Image merging. Now go to the layers bar click on and select Merge Visible. Go to Image/Trim now save as final_dancer.psd .

Hit Ctrl+A then Ctrl+X. Now open the the image with the northen lights. Paste the dancer on that image Ctrl+V.

Arrange the dancer between the northen lights layers . Start erasering the bottom of the dancer so that it appears as tough the dancers is steping out of the northern lights.

Give the dancer a green glow by double clicking on the layer, select outerglow.

Step 6.

Last step. Add and tree line. Now save


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  Adobe Photoshop 6